Stempenyu, a gifted fiddler, the leader of a Klezmer band, unhappily married to Freidel, falls in love with the beautiful but married Rochalle. Rochalle lives in a golden cage, surrounded by her husband’s family. Her mother-in- law, Dvossa-Malka, admires her, treats her like a princess and devotes her life to satisfying Rochalle’s every need. Yet she is unhappy. When she listens to
Stempenyu play, a forbidden love flares-up between them. At the same time, as a reflection in a vicious mirror, progresses the hopeless love affair between Rochalle’s friend Ettel-Chaya and Benjamin, a man of the world. This is a play about little people stricken with great loves, and having to pay their price.
Written by Edna Mazya
Director: Edna Mazya, Yehezkel Lazarov
Choreography: Yehezkel Lazarov
Set and costume designer: Orna Smorgonsky
Lighting designer: Avi Yona Bueno
Music: Assaf Talmudi
Performers: Edna Blilious, Yuval Segal, Rona-Lee Shimon, Alon Dahan, Eran Mor, Yehezkel
Lazarov, Orly Silbersatz, Liat Harlev, Mattan Zachirya, Assaf Salhov, Hila Ofer, Oded Zadok, Dina Sanderson, Sharon Inbar